About Me

- Brenda Janda
- I am serving a mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Please feel free to write me. I love the Savior and am grateful that I have the opportunity to serve him for to years as I teach the people of Kenya and Nairobi about Jesus Christ.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Jan. 7, 12 and 21, 2014
Hey everyone!
So I guess I can start with the exciting news which is transfers! I am staying in Kalongo again. I will probably be here for a while. And I am in a threesome again! haha. It should be interesting. I will be serving with Elder N from Zimbabwe and Elder S, from Uganda. We will still be covering the big area, but since there are three of us I think one of us will go on splits with our branch mission leader. Elder S has actually served in this area before so he knows some of the areas even better then I do, so that should be a big help. My companion Elder U, is going to serve in Dar es Salaam, about 10 minutes from his home. He was excited at first, but now I think he is starting to realize how hard it will be to be so close to family and friends and his girlfriend. He is hoping he doesn't serve there more then a month, which is understandable.
Since U is leaving, we went to Matua yesterday to have a party with a few of the members. We killed a chicken and they made a bunch of chapattis. It was really nice. I got the part of the chicken that was pretty much all of the innards, but it was actually really good. I am still trying to decide what exactly I ate. One of the organs I ate was super interesting, but it was actually pretty good. My companions should be coming tomorrow, so right now I am with Elder B. I have been rearranging the flat to accomodate three elders instead of two so that has been fun.
Besides that this week has pretty much been like any other. Nothing too exciting.
I love you all!
Elder Janda
Hey mom! Sounds like your week was pretty good! My week started off super lame, but it ended good so that's good! It sounds like everyone is doing pretty well. I am glad you were able to see everyone! Like I said my week started off super lame. First I was pretty bummed because I wasn't able to email last week. I always feel bad when I am not able to email because it is always the extra boost I need. I also think that D was pretty bummed that I wasn't able to email the past couple of weeks. Luckily I emailed her on my mini pday so I think that helped. Also my camera was stolen on Tuesday. :/ I am almost certain it was stolen by another missionary because they were the only one who had access, but I cant prove anything so now it is gone. :/ I am going to by an old school camera for cheap so it doesn't get stolen again, but unfortunately all the pictures that I haven't sent to you are gone now. I will just have to take more pictures when I get another camera. Baptisms went super well. It was a lot of fun! Also transfers came on Tuesday. I am not training like I thought, but I will tell you all the news in my big email. I haven't heard yet what is happening with Elder B, but I should know by the end of the week. Yesterday we had a big party with some members to say goodbye to my companion and that was a lot of fun. I am looking forward to this transfer though and the new changes that are coming. I love you soo much! I hope everything is going well!
Elder Janda
Hey everyone!
So these past two weeks really haven't been too exciting. This last Wednesday we had our ZTM, which is a meeting with the other companionships in our zone. Because our area is kind of in between the other areas all the elders stayed at our flat which is always a lot of fun. The Malawian elders taught us a pretty fun card game. It is pretty much the same as Uno, but just with a regular deck of cards. This Saturday we have baptisms, so one of the Zone leaders needed to stay in our area to interview the people we have for baptisms. Because school started last week, we have to do interviews on Sunday, but because it is a 2 hour walk from his area to ours, he didnt want to walk here and then back two days later, so I have been on exchanges in Kyambeke (KY makes a ch sound by the way), since Thursday. It has been pretty good. I have been with Elder B, from Malawi. He is super funny! It has been nice to be here for a change of scenery but I am definitely ready to get back to Kalongo. Funny story about Elder B is he kind of talks in his sleep. I say kind of because most of the time it is just saying random Swahili, English, or Kikamba phrases. But every once in a while he will be teaching or bearing testimony in Swahili. It is hilarious to wake up and listen to whatever he is saying for a few minutes.
So like I said we have baptisms on Saturday, and we are finally baptizing our investigator Naomi! She has been ready for a while, except she hasnt been able to go to church because of some traveling she did every week, but now she switched around her schedule, and has been coming and is finally able to be baptized. Besides that I think we will baptize 4 children. One was supposed to be baptized last time. One has been taught for a while and is finally ready. And then two have ran from missionaries from a while, and refused to go to church, but then out of the blue they started to come to church so now they will be baptized. I know their mom has been trying to get them baptized for a long time, so she is super happy. I am not sure if Elder U prepared any others for baptism while I have been gone, but we will see today when I get home.
Also this week is the last week of transfers. It is crazy that the transfer is over already! Chances are next week I will receive a new companion, but I will stay in Kalongo, but there is no way to know until next week. I am excited to see what happens. Hopefully all the missionaries should be coming from South Africa, including Elder Bryant from Arizona! I will let you know next Tuesday!
Well besides that there isn't anything too exciting going on here. I love you all!
I am on exchanges because the Zone Leader had to go to our area for some baptismal interviews. Everything is going pretty well with me and Elder U. All companionships definitely have their problems, but I cant complain. We get along pretty well. Fred emailed me from the MTC and he seems pretty excited to get here. I am definitely way excited for him to get here. It would be so awesome if I ended up training him! It is crazy that Goo is getting married already! I got a big envelope of letters from Aunt Lisa from the family Christmas party. I don't know if that is what you are talking about. But they got here last week. It seems like that kind of envelope takes about three weeks, but it might have taken longer because it was around christmas time. Well I love you mom! I will talk to you tomorrow. And I think I will send the big email today to save time tomorrow.
Love Elder Janda
Hey the power here has been out all day until now, and the pday is over, so I will have to email you next week. :/ I just wanted to let you know why i didnt email so you werent worried. i hope all is going well and love you all!
Elder Janda
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