About Me

- Brenda Janda
- I am serving a mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Please feel free to write me. I love the Savior and am grateful that I have the opportunity to serve him for to years as I teach the people of Kenya and Nairobi about Jesus Christ.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Hey Mom!
I am with Elder B now. He was in my MTC group actually. He kind of reminds me of that comp. that Mitch had who thought he knew everything because he was a little bit older. He is 25 and kind of stubborn. He is from Uganda, so he knows Swahili, but it is not grammatically correct Swahili, so it is kind of funny to see people blast him because they think that he is a Tanzanian haha. He actually works pretty hard though and he knows the scriptures super well. He is teaching me a lot about how to teach and things like that. Don't worry about me though. Even though it was really tough I really am doing a lot better.
Oh and I am back in Arusha, so that is good! :)
That is awesome that Bryant got his mission call! That is crazy to think that he is leaving so soon! Haha
That is super weird to think that there will be a new ward and building and bishop and everything when I get back.
Congrats on doing the 5k! I will have to work on getting in better shape so I can do one too when I get back haha.
That is a bummer to hear about Courtney's Soccer. Hopefully she isn't too bummed about it, and it still ends well. We will see I guess.
Haha I am not so sure I could wake up at 5:30 every day. :P 6:30 is tough enough haha. But I know you can do it though.
Has Quiktrip made any crazy additions or changes yet? I am assuming they started selling pizza haha.
Well mom, I am so grateful for all of the things you do for me. Thanks for your emails and support. I am still doing pretty well. I will be honest, being on mission is very hard, but I know I can do it. I love you so much!! :)
Elder Janda
Hey Everyone!
Sorry, but a super short email this week! Anyways I am back in Arusha with Elder Barasa. Elder Barasa is from Uganda, and was actually in my MTC group, so it is cool to see him again. He knows the bible and scriptures super well, so it is good to be able to learn from him those things.
We have been teaching a girl named Rose. Her mom is a member, but she didn't live with her mom the first 12 years of her life, so now she is with her mom, and very excited to learn about the gospel. She is also starting to learn the keyboard from me. Actually I am supposed to start teaching 4 people the keyboard this week, which is kind of cool, even though I am not the best teacher. I also am kind of like a few people's private English tutor. They write down a bunch of English and come ask me to check it and I will give them assignments. Anyways we were able to give Rose a baptismal date for the 25th of May, which would be great!
We also went to a new orphanage this past week. There are a lot more kids at this one, but the smaller one is a lot nicer. One of the guys who works at this orphanage took our number and said he wants to learn more. He actually came to church on Sunday and seemed to really enjoy it so that should be good.
Besides that, nothing too exciting has really happened. I think we are going to watch conference next week, which will be good. Except it will be in Swahili haha. I am still excited though. Well I love you all!
Elder janda
Monday, April 14, 2014
Hey Everyone!
Sorry this week has been super uneventful, so nothing too exciting to read today!
Tuesday this week was amazing though! We had something called MLC. The Mission President came to Arusha and met with the 5 Zone Leaders in Tanzania. He talked to us about being more consecrated missionaries, and also how to be better leaders. We met with him for like 5 hours and right after I had my interview with him, so I really was on an extra spiritual high that day. He is an inspired man, and I learn a lot from him! After that we went to a member's house to say goodbye, because my companion left and there was no knowing if I am going back or not.
On Wednesday we flew to Dar Es Salaam, had DDM there, and basically sat around the rest of the day.
On Thursday my companion, Elder Jackson, took off and headed for home. That was really weird to say goodbye to him, and kind of a bummer because we got along pretty well. He left me with Elder Ita, who I served with in the Hills, and Elder Steed. One is a Tongan, and the other is Canadian. After he left we went for some appointments, but this week it was raining hardcore in Dar Es Salaam, so it was kind of hard. Nothing really happened until Sunday because of the rain.
On Sunday we went to the Ubungo Branch. They meet in an actual chapel which was really nice because I hadn't done that yet on my mission and I kind of missed it. Because of the rain not too many people showed up to church but there were still quite a few. They asked me to bear my testimony, and of course, in Swahili. I don't know a whole lot of Swahili, but I agreed. When I went up there I definitely witnessed the gift of tongues in action. I somehow fluently bore a fairly good length testimony. Everything I had learned and read and heard just kind of came back to me. I had so many people come up to me after the service and ask how I learned so much Swahili, and when I told them I had only served in Tanzania for 6 weeks they were so surprised! I just think to my blessing when I was set apart and the Stake President told me that I would be blessed with the gift of tongues, and I was so confused because I was supposed to speak English, but now I see it all falling into place. haha
Unfortunately transfers don't come until tonight so I don't yet know who my new comp is, or where I will be serving but I will let you know next week! I love you all!
Elder Janda
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Hey everyone!
This week was a pretty great one! It had a lot of great moments, and also some that are kind of a bummer.
I guess I will start with the bad news. My comp. has been struggling with some medical problems for most of his mission, and they have finally decided to send him home. They just can't figure out what is wrong with him. I am bummed for two reasons. One, because him and I have gotten along really well, and I am nervous I will get a companion that I don't get along with like I have in the past. Also, because he is leaving, I am really not sure where I am going. I really want to stay in Arusha, because I love this place and these people like crazy, but if I go somewhere else, I know for sure that it is the Lord's will. I should find out today, what is going on. He leaves on Thursday, so it will be interesting. I am definitely going to set the record for companions on mission. Not counting the MTC I have had 5 in 5 transfers and will get at least one more before this transfer is over.
One of the coolest things we did this week, was go to a Masai village. Masai are the really cool tribe that all the tourists to Africa love. They are the ones that used to hunt lions, and dress cool, and do all the other cool stuff. Or branch's first councilor is a Maasai, and we went up there with Elder Mathers to look at a water project they recently did, and propose adding to it. It was really cool to go up there. We got to be the guests of honor at their village council meeting which was super cool. On the way up there we saw a ton of wildlife which was awesome!
This past week, was a great one for our investigators. My companion and I have been bounced a lot by investigators and have definitely had some disappointments, but this week just felt like a great one. On Sunday we had 6 investigators come to church. Two of which were referrals from our current investigators. We also got 3 new investigators. I feel like we are getting close to baptism with a lot of them, and all it is going to take is some time. They know the church is true but they just need to learn more. After Church on Sunday we went to the orphanage and talked to the mama there. She was asking us more questions about baptism, and said she knows that the church is true and everything she has been taught is true, and all she needs is to learn more, and know that is true. We still have quite a few lessons to teach her and her husband, but I am fairly confident that they will be baptized one day.
I am really praying that I will be able to stay here in Arusha, and see the work progress. I will probably just be letting you all know next week what is going on, because we still havent heard from the AP's. Anyways, I love you all!
Elder Janda
Hey there mom! It sounds like the weekend was a blast! I am glad you were able to spend so much time with Dalee and her mom. Unfortunately I won't be able to watch General Conference for another month or so, but that's OK! I am sure it was great.
My week was pretty good, except I am kind of bummed because my comp. is going. Him and I get along better then any of my other comps. and I am scared to get another comp. that gives me problems like my other ones. Also I really don't want to leave this area, but right now I am just waiting for the AP's to call to tell me what is going on. But my companion is going home on Thursday, because he probably needs surgery. I should find out any minute what is going on with me, so you may get another email with that info. The work is going pretty well. I am still trying to get better with Swahili. I am starting to be able to teach people, and I can usually carry out a conversation as long as they keep the Swahili simple. We don't have a whole lot of investigators, but the ones we do have I feel like are progressing well. If I stay here, I feel like we will start having some baptisms here pretty soon which would be great!
I got your card for Easter this Sunday so thank you so much for that! It was good to get some mail again! :)
I love you so much mom! Thank you so much for everything you do for me! I couldn't be the person or missionary I am now without you, and the influence you had on me and the things you taught me. I miss you so much but at the same time I love it here. I can say that being on mission is one of the funnest yet most challenging things I have ever done. I know it is shaping me into the man that the Lord needs me to be. I love you!!
Elder Janda
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