Hey mom!
I am here at the MTC safe. It is super small, but that’s OK cause there are only like thirty of us. The flight from London was long but I got a pretty good amount of sleep so that was good. I have two companions but I can' t remember their names right now. I haven’t really done anything with them. We haven’t started classes yet, just filled out paperwork got some shots and unpacked. President Reber and his wife seem super cool and she loves taking pictures so I am sure you can expect a lot of those from her. I have been taking some pictures but I wont be able to upload them until I get to Kenya, so don’t worry you will get them. We get to go to the temple on Tuesday I believe so that will be really cool. There’s nothing else that has really happened yet, so I am not sure what else to tell you. Don’t worry I will send longer emails once stuff starts happening. I love you so much mom. I am so grateful for all you have done for me in my life, and I know I wouldn’t be the person I am today without the things you did for me in my life.
Elder Janda
Hey Dad! I am here at the MTC all safe and sound. The flight from London to J-Burg went pretty well, it was just very long. haha. I am in a tripanionship kinda thing. So there is myself and two other elders, who I can't really remember their names right now. I haven’t really done anything with them yet. The room we are in is super tiny and holds six of us. I will send a picture when I get to Kenya because I am not allowed to in the MTC. The Internet is too slow I guess. So far today we have just been filling out paperwork and doing other things for orientation kind of. I had to get three more shots. The MTC president and his wife seem super cool. She loves taking pictures though so you guys should expect a lot of those. I am glad to finally be here and doing something, even though it’s nothing really special yet. I am not sure what the number of natives or anything like that are yet, but I will let you know when I find out. There hasn’t really been much that has happened besides that since I last talked to you so I don’t really know what else to say, but I am sure by the next time I email you there will be plenty to add. I love you so much dad and I am so grateful for everything you have done for me.
Love, Elder Janda

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