About Me

- Brenda Janda
- I am serving a mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Please feel free to write me. I love the Savior and am grateful that I have the opportunity to serve him for to years as I teach the people of Kenya and Nairobi about Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Hey mom!
The weather here is actually really rainy. Especially at night. But then during the day it can get really hot sometimes. But right now the streets are really muddy, which is lame because I have to carry a brush around with me to keep my shoes looking clean ha-ha. Yeah I am kind of bummed that I haven't gotten the spices yet either, but maybe customs thought all those spices were suspicious ha-ha. And yeah I was looking at plane tickets as well and it looks like you can get a round trip ticket for $1600. Which is expensive, but at the same time isn't really as expensive as I thought. I will definitely have to save because I feel like I will want to come back and forth a lot. Nothing really new here. This week is Zone conference so we will be going to Dar Es Salaam. And tonight we have a dinner appointment with some Wazungu who came to church yesterday. They are taking us to a Mexican restaurant, which makes me super happy because I have missed my Mexican food love you so much mom! Thank you for everything you do for me!
Elder Janda
Hey everyone! So this week was honestly not super exciting, but that is OK because it was still good.
On Monday we were able to meet with a referral. He works at is parents restaurant which is really nice. He knows a lot of English and just finished high school, and wants to go to America now for College. I have seen that a lot of people here want to go to America. He is a pretty cool guy though. He seems pretty interested in the lessons, but hasn’t come to church quite yet. We are hoping soon though.
On Wednesday we went to a far area called Kwamrombo to see one of our investigators at a members medicine shop. Unfortunately when we got there we found out he was gone to Moshi. We stayed at the shop for a little bit of time though. The mama that works there is super friendly though. She bought us some soda and her friend brought us some vitumbua, which are kind of like rice cakes I guess. I really like them, and she told us that since she is the young women president they would have an activity to learn to make them and that we could come, so I am super excited for that.
On Thursday we were only able to have one appointment so that wasn’t too exciting. We went on a little bit of an adventure searching for FedEx to pick up my companions passport.
Then on Friday Saturday and Sunday we got bounced for our appointments, so we spent those days searching for people to teach and things to do. Luckily I have learned that when we are doing our best to do the work of God, he blesses us with the work that we are trying to do. On Friday we discovered that one of the members was painting his home, so we went to see if we could help him. Unfortunately he was finished but fortunately he took us to some of his friends homes and we were able to teach them. The other days were like that as well.
On Saturday we were able to go to the orphanage again, and Michaels wife was asking us a bunch of questions about baptism which is definitely a good sign. Then the nurse or caretaker at the orphanage asked us if she could learn more. It was great!
Tonight we have a powerful dinner appointment with some Wazungu who came to church yesterday. They are taking us to a Mexican restaurant which I am way excited about because I have missed my Mexican food for sure! Then tomorrow we are flying to Dar Es Salaam for Zone Conference, where I have been asked to give training on Obedience. I am hoping it goes well, but I am a little nervous.
Well that is about it here in the wonderful land of Africa! i love you all so much and hope you are doing well!
Love Elder Janda

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