Hey everyone!
So, this week has gone pretty well! I have recovered from my sickness so that is good! Unfortunately, on Wednesday my companion woke up super sick, so we were stuck at home for another two days! But he is doing better now, so we are finally able to go out like normal. Last week we were supposed to have transfers but things here have been crazy!
I really enjoyed this past Sunday. The primary program, or presentation as they call it, will be this Sunday, so I went to primary this past week, and was helping them with their songs and things like that. I am really looking forward to being able to have the presentation, and I think that I will for sure be going to primary a lot more often on Sundays. I understand why Christ loved children so much, and tells us to be like children. Right now a lot of the members are getting angry with us for stupid things, and also are quick to break commandments, even after we teach them about them like the same day. It can be frustrating having to deal with that, but the children love you pretty much no matter what and are innocent. It is a stress reliever for sure being able to go to primary.
The rain season also started this past week, which is good and bad. It is good because the peoples crops will begin to grow and we won't have to worry about a drought. It is bad because the power is out a lot! This means bucket showers and doing things by flashlight or candle. Also if I don’t email one week you know why. It shouldn’t be a problem, but I want to warn you just in case.
This week we are in because it is the first week of the month, and we have to come to pull out our money. It is a big city, but it was like a 3 hour trip to get here. On the way I saw another Mzungu. I totally freaked out, because that was the first one i have seen since I got here! It was weird. I should be able to get some good food here though because they have huge supermarkets, so that should be exciting!
Well that’s about it for this week! I love all of you and hope everyone is doing well!

Hey mom!
I am feeling a lot better so that is good. Don’t worry about sending me the conference talks, we should get the magazine here in a couple of weeks. Brother Kivikivi is doing a lot better! He has been able to make it to church, and he should be able to walk without crutches by next month so that is exciting! The service day was hard, but it was a lot of fun. I try to serve every day. Whenever I see someone carrying water or a load of sticks and they are walking towards our destination I try to help them. The language is coming along pretty well. I spend a lot of time each day studying, but it is still difficult. My companion has decided he doesn’t want to put time into studying the language and thinks it will just come naturally, so a lot of the times I am the one who has to try to speak to people. Dalee said she was so happy that you took her to the Lion King, so whether it was a surprise or not, she definitely enjoyed it.
Kenya is doing well. It stinks that my companion is the way he is, but the Lord knows that I can handle it, and it will make me a better missionary having to deal with it at the beginning.
Don’t worry about cutting and pasting the emails. I knew it was just the basic stuff, so you are fine to keep doing it. I just thought it was funny. Feel free to keep doing it, I wasn't trying to make you feel bad.
That sounds awesome with Courtney’s soccer. Hopefully tryouts go well and everything.
I love you too mom, and I am grateful for your testimony. I know this is where I am supposed to be at this time as well. At times it is difficult for sure, but I am able to find strength in the Lord and keep moving on.
Love you!
Elder Janda
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