About Me

- Brenda Janda
- I am serving a mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Please feel free to write me. I love the Savior and am grateful that I have the opportunity to serve him for to years as I teach the people of Kenya and Nairobi about Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Hey Everyone!
So this week has been crazy! There have been a lot of ups, and downs. I will start with the positives though! On Saturday we had baptisms for the first time, and that went well! We had 4 converts, and 6 child of records. I didn’t do any of the baptizing, but it was great to see so many enter the waters of baptism. For baptisms, we have to walk probably 8 or so miles to Kyambeke, where there is a baptismal font. The trip there is mostly down hill, and then on the way back we got a matatu, so it wasn’t too bad.
Yesterday we had our service day as usual, and we were planning on helping one of our investigators, but then, she said that she was planting, which we usually don’t do, because we can't do it right haha. So we walked around the many shambas looking for people to help. We came across 16 mamas working in one shamba, so we knew they had to be busy. We recognized 2 of them as members, but the rest were not. It turns out they were hired to pick French beans for someone, so we asked if we could help. We then spent the next 3 hours picking French beans. I can say for sure that my back was sore. It is hard doing that when we are so tall, but it was good! We got the mamas to agree to come to church so hopefully we will see them there. I think it is funny that the French beans as we call them come from Kenya. I will now be calling them Kenyan beans. They are pretty much shipped from Kenya, to France, to the U.S. so that is how they got the name. It is crazy though. They get paid 10 shillings, or 9 cents, per KG of beans that they pick. In four hours they pick probably 20 kg’s of beans, so they make like 2 dollars at the most! It was tough work! Then after they pick them in the valley, they fill these huge bags with the beans, and carry them all the way to Kalongo. The bags end up weighing about 35 kgs, or 75 or so pounds! I was definitely impressed!
So the bad part about this week is that our companionship has pretty much reached rock bottom. On Thursday in Comp. Inventory, it turned into Elder U and H just getting way angry at each other, so all day there was no spirit. We decided that we needed to meet with the mission president, because Elder H was getting so stressed out that I was worried about his health. We called the AP’s and they told us not to go out that day, and the next day we would meet with the Zone Leaders. We discussed the problems with the zone leaders but it seemed as if Elder H and U were just yelling at each other again. We have seen a little bit of improvement since Friday, but I am guessing we will be meeting with the Mission President next week, while we are in Nairobi for Zone Conference.
Well that is about it for the week. As I said I am in Nairobi next week, and because of that I will be emailing on Monday, so email before then if possible! Also I wanted to ask for suggestions from anyone that may have them. I want to start holding FHE with the whole branch, so if anyone has any ideas of activities that can be done with a lot of people, that don’t really require any supplies, and are good for both adults and kids, then please let me know!
Elder Janda
Hey Mom!
Everything is going pretty good here in Kilungu! I am almost done with training, so that Is good! I am looking forward to getting a new companion and being done with training and everything. :P That is awesome that Courtney and Maren dressed up as missionaries! The funerals aren't too extremely different. Everyone just sits around for a long time, talking. Then everyone eats some food. Then they bring the casket and all the family will say some stuff, and whatever church is in charge says a whole lot. We do a lot of service, but I want to start doing more. I think it is a better use of our time. It was definitely a bummer to miss the primary program, but I try not to be angry about it. It just didn’t make sense as to why he had me go with him, when there was stuff I was supposed to do in our area. He also told me that I was going to be planning last week right before we went to the other area. Because I was gone all weekend, and went to another church, I couldn’t make appointments. Then he was blaming me for the fact that we didn’t have any appointments. It was just annoying. Yes I am still in a 3some, and that is not going well at all. But it is mostly because of the other two. Yeah we have to walk to different villages. There are quite a few in our area. There is Kikoko, Matua, Kyanga, Kyambondo, Ngunga, Mitini, Nuzion, Nzukini, Kalongo, and Mutuyu. Oh and Kyakathungu. Kalongo is obviously the closest. And the only other ones I walk to is Mitini, Kikoko, and Matua, because Utonga goes with a branch missionary to the others. Mitini is the farthest. Its probably three or four miles. If I need new shoes it wont be a problem to find them. The biggest difficulty is finding my size. When I tell people my size, they usually just laugh haha. The President said the Visa situation is improving, and things should get better soon, so we will see. And in regards to a package, pretty much anything you want to send is good, because any American food I cant find here. Candy is good to send, like skittles, starbursts, and other candies like that, but seriously whatever you send will be good. Just don’t send rice, beans, ugali, or vegetables, cause that stuff I can get haha. Well I love you mom!
Elder Janda
P.S. I will be emailing on Monday next week, just to let you know.
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